A main reason for setting up a [Dojo project](http://drupalkata.com/drupaldojo/) on the Kata was that we'd turn each phase of development into a learning workshop and also provide opportunities for apprentices to learn by working on the project. This in turn could form the [proof of concept](http://drupalkata.com/drupalkata/node/223) for subsequent Kata projects.

While we've managed to [create an outline](http://drupalkata.com/drupaldojo/documents), it's been hard for the [Dojo redesign team](http://drupalkata.com/drupaldojo/node/196) to do much outside of getting the [new website online](http://drupalkata.com/drupaldojo/node/424).

As there still is a [lot of work still to be done](http://drupalkata.com/drupaldojo/casetracker), it may be a good time to see if anyone would like to gain some hands on Drupal experience by helping out our team. If it seems like a good idea, it would be good to get some input from those involved to the types of roles we need to fill and the amount of time required.

As the Dojo seems to be [coming back in a big way](http://www.drupaldojo.com/news/getting-back-groove), it should be a great learning experience that should lead to additional opportunities and fame!
