BoF at DrupalCon London 2011
Hello all interested in coordinating and funding initiatives for the good of Drupal and the world as a community, not only as individual or companies,
Barry Madore has organized a Birds of a Feather to continue the effort begun in Chicago. Apologies for using this old list (details below*); please forward this to anyone in Croydon who may be interested.
Time slot:
24 August 13:45 - 14:45
Room 334 Part 2
Note: Please let me know if you are actually notified of this posting. We are having an issue with contacting members of this group You can also sign up at http://eepurl.com/db4nI and pick how involved you can be.
(Note: I am not in London but obviously am very interested in this.)
where you are -> web strategy and development -> where you need to be
o: 1 508 283 3557
c: 1 508 737 0582
e: ask@agaric.com
n: http://agaric