After good momentum, it seemed like the Snowball melted a couple years ago...however, this may not actually be true.
Question is, what are the steps we can take to get this rolling again? What would the minimum viable product look like for Snowball? Is there a minimum viable 'criteria' for projects that Snowball, and the NPO behind it, could support? Could we start with projects, including Snowball, that …
It took another several months, but +1 subscribe comments were finally killed without Snowball/Leapfrog/Coordinating-community-initiative's help. I would like to think the Drupal Association blatantly ripped off this idea though :-)
From today's DA newsletter:
We matched community donations to end +1 subscribes. We've all hated the avalanche of +1, sub, and subscribe comments on issue queues around Drupal.org, so we're doing something about it. As part of our continued efforts to make using Drupal.org a great experience, we've matched community donations to solve…more…
Hello all interested in coordinating and funding initiatives for the good of Drupal and the world as a community, not only as individual or companies,
Barry Madore has organized a Birds of a Feather to continue the effort begun in Chicago. Apologies for using this old list (details below*); please forward this to anyone in Croydon who may be interested.
Time slot:
24 August 13:45 - 14:45
Room 334 Part 2
If you are in London for Drupalcon, I'm convening a BoF to re-energize our efforts and invite new ideas and participation. If I have the bandwidth, I'll monitor the #drupaldojo IRC during the session. I'll report back to this blog.
Wednesday August 24, 1:45PM Room 334 Part 2
Drupalcon London BoF schedule description (cobbled hastily from the Chicago sessions convened by David Eads and Benjamin Melançon):
Many small important Drupal projects -- modules, sprints etc. -- suffer from the problem of concentrated costs and distributed benefits. Let's…

Earl Miles asked for fundraising suggestions for the continued development of in-place editing. Doing this, in addition to helping get more awesomeness into the Drupal universe, would greatly help kickstart the effort to begin the cultural shift in the community toward self-investment.
Hi Earl!
At DrupalCon Chicago a whole bunch of people tried to start planning a better infrastructure for coordinating community initiatives, including with funding. Barry…
For those who missed it, here's the latest debate revolving around this brilliant new idea (haha) - http://groups.drupal.org/node/142779. To me it sounds like a perfect opportunity to move forward with such a project and get it up and running.

Derek Wright explaining that bills don't pay themselves:
We should run this campaign, maybe with a matching grant, before we even have any software. It is just too obvious and long-standing and high profile a need to pass up.
To do that though we do need to better define and brand the initiative codenamed Leapfrog, for coordinating community projects / funding free software. OpenSource.VisionsUnite.org ?
(I don't care if Webchick is afraid of developers not…
Because we couldn't quite settle on what to call the community coordinated initiatives / funding free software / open collaboration site we were talking about, Kathleen Murtagh and i codenamed it Leapfrog (for what it will allow free software to do to proprietary software).
List moved to book/wiki page so others can signup
Original list:
- Formal Requirements - Kathleen Murtagh
- Information architecture - Mitchell Tannenbaum (with participation from Claudina Sarahe and others)
- Wireframes - Mitchell Tannenbaum
- …

It was great meeting all of you in Chicago!
I look forward to the group email, the discussion regarding how we want to describe this group and our initial project on GDO.
I would encourage any who are interested to:
- create an account here on http://DrupalKata.org,
- join this group 'Snowball' and
- subscribe to notifications under your user profile. (The easiest way is likely to subscribe to new content by content type.)