
OA Base features

The following features are included in the base install of [Open Atrium](http://openatrium.com/features):

* [Blog](http://drupalkata.com/node/413) - The blog allows you to have a conversation on a topic with your team and with other users
* [Calender](http://drupalkata.com/node/417) - Keep track of important deadlines and scheduling.
* [Casetracker](http://drupalkata.com/node/416) - File cases, tickets, and other tasks that need to be assigned, reassigned, and so on
* [Documents](http://drupalkata.com/node/414) - Team members can keep a handbook of important information on a project
* [Shoutbox](http://drupalkata.com/node/415) - The shoutbox lets you share short messages, links, and information with just the people in your group.

Pronovix Knowledge Management features

The following features are part of the [Knowledge Management](http://drupal.org/project/knowledge_management) package developed by Pronovix.

* [Bookmark trail](http://drupalkata.com/node/436) - a bookmarklet feature for Drupal (javascript snippets that live in your bookmark toolbar) that makes it really simple to submit snippets of text that you encounter on the internet as solutions for a problem you are working on.
* [Faceted insert](http://drupalkata.com/node/435) - an asynchronous faceted search interface that lets you search and paste the content of another node into the text field you working on.
* [Mindmaps](http://drupalkata.com/node/421) - allows you to upload Graphmind mindmaps to your Drupal site and even use data from your site to build mindmaps.
* [Semantic editor](http://drupalkata.com/node/434) - makes it possible to mark up snippets in a text using a WYSIWYG editor with RDFa markup.


* [Course](http://drupalkata.com/node/295)
* [Fundraising/Ecommerce](http://drupalkata.com/node/324) - A system for donations, sponsorships, etc. to fund individual projects and/or programs.
* [Sponsor section](http://drupalkata.com/node/419) - A section dedicated to listing individuals, organizations or companies who have sponsored some part a project or session.
* [Webconferencing](http://drupalkata.com/node/330)


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