
Snowball seeks to help people find one other and to reduce coordination friction, transaction costs, and risks. Part of this vision is driven by the idea of the power of everyone being in one network and so able to find one another based on interest and rely on one another based on skill, availability, and past reliability.

Recent Discussions

Getting back on track


After good momentum, it seemed like the Snowball melted a couple years ago...however, this may not actually be true.

Question is, what are the steps we can take to get this rolling again? What would the minimum viable product look like for Snowball? Is there a minimum viable 'criteria' for projects that Snowball, and the NPO behind it, could support? Could we start with projects, including Snowball, that …



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Collect/review/revise mockups Normal Task Open 1 9 years 2 months ago
Update team and roles Normal Task Open 2 9 years 2 months ago
Update features and requirements Normal Task Open 2 9 years 4 months ago


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