Estimate budget

Provide an overview of the costs expected for your project. A simple bullet list will suffice in most cases. For example:

  • $40,000 for 4 programmers for 100 hours at $100 / hour.
  • $10,000 for 1 database administrator for 50 hours at $200 / hour.
  • $10,000 for a project manager to work 200 hours at $50 / hour
  • $60,000 total cost.

Budget the cost of the project the way you would budget a client request for proposals (RFP). If you are a Drupal contractor or development business, consider the cost to be the equivalent of a customer. You may include travel and other expenses if they are directly applicable. For example, holding a week-long work session on CCK improvements may involve airfare and lodging for community members.

The out of pocket cost will vary widely depending on the nature of the project and who is involved. Some individuals will have the time to volunteer (ideally on their companies time) while others, such as freelancers/small shops, might only be able to make time if paid. If students or apprentices are involved, several job offers for good work will offset the need for hard cash.


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