Here are some simple things to keep in mind; some of it you may already be familiar with.
- The quietest the background the better, but we understand that many of us have families and/or pets and/or Mariachi bands that show up unexpectedly.
- It's best to use a headset MIC so that ambient noise and echoes aren't picked up.
- If you are using the system MIC in lieu of a headset mic, please use headphones for audio rather than system speakers. This way your system MIC has no chance of echoing the audio provided by me as I MC and bring the questions to you from the room.
- Use your GoToWebinar Panelist invite to join us at about 12:15. At that time we'll take a look at a few of your slides and screenshots. We'll determine if a screen rez change is in order.
Audience Participation
- Guests will ask questions in the #drupal-dojo room of freenode IRC [& to a lesser extent the GoToWebinar interface] I'll monitor that and Gus and I will plug in any URLs that you mention so ppl can make note of them. I will bring the questions to you during your presentation. I try to wait until the end to bring you the questions BUT if a question is rather timely to the point you're making I might butt in and deliver the question or comment in real-time. So far that process has never gotten out of hand.
- 12:15 sound/video check
- 12:30 throw the broadcast live [ask attendees to confirm that GoToWebinar is AOK]
- 12:32 Start the RECORDING of the session -& introduce the dojo and the speaker and topic
- 12:33 Host thanks the sponsors
- 12:34 Host hands off the presentation control to the presenter. Feel free to introduce yourself, your company, a product or service or EVENT. this is your spotlight. SELL IT! ;-)
When ever you are finished I'll bring in the attendees questions and strike up a small conversation about your topic, its usage, and future.