jensimmons's spaces


Drupal Dojo

The Drupal Dojo was created for apprentice/journeyman developers who want to increase proficiency, and for experts looking to grow the pool of Drupal talent. This goal has come to encompass these needs:

  • Forum to attract, accept, and direct contributor time and resources
  • Easy to use platform for real-time online mentoring
  • Centralized repository for learning materials (video, audio, slideshows, documentation)
  • A means for members to evangelize/discuss/filter/recommend 'community' issues important to them.

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Drupal Open Learning

Group for the Drupal Open Learning program

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Drupal Dojo

The Drupal Dojo was created for apprentice/journeyman developers who want to increase proficiency, and for experts looking to grow the pool of Drupal talent. This goal has come to encompass these needs:

  • Forum to attract, accept, and direct contributor time and resources
  • Easy to use platform for real-time online mentoring
  • Centralized repository for learning materials (video, audio, slideshows, documentation)
  • A means for members to evangelize/discuss/filter/recommend 'community' issues important to them.

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Drupal Open Learning

Group for the Drupal Open Learning program

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Open Drupal Curriculum

This group is intended to facilitate development of an Open Curriculum for Drupal.

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Snowball seeks to help people find one other and to reduce coordination friction, transaction costs, and risks. Part of this vision is driven by the idea of the power of everyone being in one network and so able to find one another based on interest and rely on one another based on skill, availability, and past reliability.

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Sounds and Colors Radio

Sounds and Colors Radio will be a 24-hour internet radio station with more than just great jazz music. We plan on having intuitively programmed shows, live shows, spontaneous interviews with all of the artists that are creating this great sound, broadcasting live from remote locations and more! We wish to become your all access pass to places like backstage at your favorite jazz clubs, live concerts, live in-studio sessions to broadcasting shows from the living rooms and on the road with your favorite artists.

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This group will focus specifically on the organization and management of this website.

Sections: Documents, Files, Tasks
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