Per related issues, I'd like to direct Snowball related tasks, mockups, humans, and any funds already allocated to Drupal Kata as a proof of concept. Under the direction of a project/product manager, I could most liketly do most of the site building.
In an attempt to reduce complexity, I'm hoping we can just define Snowball as a project of Open Learning Labs. If so, we should be able to figure out how to steer the mothership from there?
I moved many of the roles/responsibilities up the chain to Open Learning Labs, so this initiative could move forward with little overhead. As noted above, I think we could push forward with an operating budget for ~20 person hours / wk?
Roles can be consolidated/revised, but I think we're a well respected, versed learning manager away from moving forward. Any thoughts/recommendations for someone to drive this?
It's been a bit off my radar, but I recently came across this article about CoderDojo and a Lullabot podcast with some very well respected Drupalers along w/ Coder Dojo folks. Being that our Drupal programs have been dormant for a bit, while the Coder Dojos have really established themselves, I think would be good idea to review and revise our ideas/definitions for our programs to be more in sync with programs. That should also make it easier to re-enter the scene and collaborate/leverage their resources and events.
There definitely are some differences (our programs should not exclude old folks!), but I think the more we don't have to reinvent, the easier it should be to ramp up and sustain with limited resources.
Circling back to this issue. Based on the activity, the original team doesn't have any time to drive? As it looks like I may be helping run at least two media networks built on top of OpenProducer my time helping run these programs could be rather limited. That said, I really do think a scaled back initiative that doesn't actually produce (yet will enable production/funding of) code/curriculum could be sustained if there was a budget for say 20 person hours a week. If there's a well respected, learning manager type who could spend 5-10hrs paid... I think that would be enough to make it actually work.
Would be great to get feedback on this issue... epecially Eric and Doug as you were the last 2 active when it went into a deep freeze.
Hey Ben! I believe I came across Snowdrift during the time you were at . Looks like they stole all your ideas and the name!?! Ahh the benefits of OSS! So seriously... as you are more familiar with their platform, vision, coop... how does it compare to your vision for Snowball? Do you think there's still a need for a stand alone, coop type platform or do you think there's a need/room for both? Personally, I think they provide some great guidelines on how to run the whole thing, but I'd like to incorporate them into the platform we're already building.... meaning this one! So in essence Snowball would be the distribution available on d.o.... DrupalKata and Open Learning Labs would be instances of that platform that I would personally like to play a role in managing. I'm blindly envisioning Open Learning Labs as a Co-op, but I haven't quite figured out the who and how to pull that off.
Related to all this, I had a long talk with Steve Purkiss and Stefan van Hooft about a similar platform/vision they're starting in the UK. I believe strongly if we could collaborate on the Platform (aka distribution), we'd have something in which we could use, provide to clients, host for customers, and collaborate on. Why not do that?
The following is an Indiegogo campaign that has been drafted, but not yet launched. Images and the promo video have not been copied over.
*SOUNDS AND COLORS RADIO* ------------------
Sounds and Colors Radio, a platform for you to listen, watch, enjoy, learn and experience the dynamics of America's beautiful art form of Jazz. With a pledge to Sounds and Colors Radio, I wish to bestow upon you the gift of hearing creative jazz music fueled by the passion in which the musicians have intended and to program an experience in sound rather than a series of popular songs. A presentation of the right balance of intrigue and nostalgia!
Sounds and Colors Radio, a platform for you to listen, watch, enjoy, learn and experience the dynamics of America's beautiful art form of Jazz. With a pledge to Sounds and Colors Radio, I wish to bestow upon you the gift of hearing creative jazz music fueled by the passion in which the musicians have intended and to program an experience in sound rather than a series of popular songs. A presentation of the right balance of intrigue and nostalgia!
Hey Ben! I believe I came across Snowdrift during the time you were at . Looks like they stole all your ideas and the name!?! Ahh the benefits of OSS! So seriously... as you are more familiar with their platform, vision, coop... how does it compare to your vision for Snowball? Do you think there's still a need for a stand alone, coop type platform or do you think there's a need/room for both? Personally, I think they provide some great guidelines on how to run the whole thing, but I'd like to incorporate them into the platform we're already building.... meaning this one! So in essence Snowball would be the distribution available on d.o.... DrupalKata and Open Learning Labs would be instances of that platform that I would personally like to play a role in managing. I'm blindly envisioning Open Learning Labs as a Co-op, but I haven't quite figured out the who and how to pull that off.
Related to all this, I had a long talk with Steve Purkiss and Stefan van Hooft about a similar platform/vision they're starting in the UK. I believe strongly if we could collaborate on the Platform (aka distribution), we'd have something in which we could use, provide to clients, host for customers, and collaborate on. Why not do that?