A main reason for setting up a [Dojo project](http://drupalkata.com/drupaldojo/) on the Kata was that we'd turn each phase of development into a learning workshop and also provide opportunities for apprentices to learn by working on the project. This in turn could form the [proof of concept](http://drupalkata.com/drupalkata/node/223) for subsequent Kata projects.
As there still is a [lot of work still to be done](http://drupalkata.com/drupaldojo/casetracker), it may be a good time to see if anyone would like to gain some hands on Drupal experience by helping out our team. If it seems like a good idea, it would be good to get some input from those involved to the types of roles we need to fill and the amount of time required.
A bookmarklet feature for Drupal (javascript snippets that live in your bookmark toolbar) that makes it really simple to submit snippets of text that you encounter on the internet as solutions for a problem you are working on.
Faceted insert - an asynchronous faceted search interface that lets you search and paste the content of another node into the text field you working on.
There are many pieces of functionality we need to improve and implement, but the relaunch is a major milestone as it symbolizes that the Dojo is alive and kicking!
Integrate with [Dimdim](http://www.dimdim.com/) conferencing by allowing for the creation, management, listing, and 'launch' of conferences via Drupal. Dimdim offers the following conferencing features:
* Easily share your screen
* Audio & video conferencing
* Present PowerPoint and PDFs
* Private & public chat
* Whiteboard & annotations
* Record and embed conferences