We'll be bringing together the [project team](/drupaldojo/node/196) to discuss progress and the next steps needed to relaunch the Drupal Dojo. Some agenda points as follows:

* Team and resources - Do we have the sufficient human and [financial resources](/drupalopenlearning/node/242) to complete this project?
* Site specification - Go over the [site spec](/drupaldojo/node/114) and [related issues](/drupaldojo/node/206); Reconcile with the development, theming, and design already in progress; Determine the action items and timeline to get the site up ASAP.
* Project management process and infrastructure - Are we sufficiently set up to [openly develop](/drupalkata/node/223) and manage this project? What improvements do we need to make to the Kata website?
* Documentation and lesson production - Figure out the best way to document and [produce learning materials](/drupaldojo/node/165) from this project. How many weekly [Building With Drupal](/drupaldojo/node/171) sessions should be focusing on this effort?

Probably some other issues we should cover, but that should get the ball rolling...