Drupalcon London BoF -- Community initiatives: paying for the plumbing
If you are in London for Drupalcon, I'm convening a BoF to re-energize our efforts and invite new ideas and participation. If I have the bandwidth, I'll monitor the #drupaldojo IRC during the session. I'll report back to this blog.
Wednesday August 24, 1:45PM Room 334 Part 2
Drupalcon London BoF schedule description (cobbled hastily from the Chicago sessions convened by David Eads and Benjamin Melançon):
Many small important Drupal projects -- modules, sprints etc. -- suffer from the problem of concentrated costs and distributed benefits. Let's organize to provide the infrastructure necessary to leverage (and raise) resources and support efforts as a community. At Drupalcon Chicago we <a href="http://chicago2011.drupal.org/conference/bof/structuring-and-sustaining-... organizing</a> and launched <a "http://drupalkata.com/community-initiatives"> Drupal Community Initiatives</a>. Let's talk ideas, governance, mechanisms and get enough momentum to move forward.