
Snowball seeks to help people find one other and to reduce coordination friction, transaction costs, and risks. Part of this vision is driven by the idea of the power of everyone being in one network and so able to find one another based on interest and rely on one another based on skill, availability, and past reliability.

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If you are in London for Drupalcon, I'm convening a BoF to re-energize our efforts and invite new ideas and participation. If I have the bandwidth, I'll monitor the #drupaldojo IRC during the session. I'll report back to this blog.

Wednesday August 24, 1:45PM Room 334 Part 2

Drupalcon London BoF schedule description (cobbled hastily from the Chicago sessions convened by David Eads and Benjamin Melançon):

Many small important Drupal projects -- modules, sprints etc. -- suffer from the problem of concentrated costs and distributed benefits. Let's…



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